Private Boat Registration

The Boats and Moorings Section issues initial registrations and annual licensing (including transfer of ownership) for pleasure boats. There are approximately 7,000 private boats.

After purchasing a brand new boat you are required by law to register it. Thereafter anytime the vessel is sold the new owner must attend the Department within 7 days to transfer title into their name. All active* vessels- punts, kayaks and boats- are to be re-licenced annually between April 1st and May 31st of each year.

* Active means the boat is in the water (even if it does not get used), or it gets put in the water from time to time during the year. By law these vessels must be currently licensed.

Transfer a Boat
Register a New Boat
2022-2023 Licensing Fees
When calculating boat fees you must use registered foot length as appears on the Marine and Ports issued boat regisration- drop inches, round down to feet only.